Flatfoot Surgical Correction

Adult flatfoot is a condition that is characterized by the collapse of the arch of the foot. Surgery will improve alignment of the foot and restore more normal pressure during standing and walking. A combination of procedures often is needed to repair the ligaments and tendons that support the arch. Bone cuts are made to help restore the arch. Proper correction of flatfoot deformity can help reduce pain and improve walking ability.

First MTP Medial Capsulorrhaphy

First MTP medial capsulorrhaphy is a procedure that tightens the soft tissue on the inner side of the big toe joint. This procedure is done along with other procedures to help correct a bunion deformity. It should not be performed alone due to the likelihood of the bunion returning. Bunions involve both an altered position of the bones of the foot as well as a stretching of the soft tissue around the joint, which allows the big toe to turn inward toward the second toe. Both of these should be addressed to allow long-term correction of a bunion.

First MTP Joint Replacement

The first MTP, also called the first metatarsophalangeal joint, is the big toe joint. A first MTP joint replacement treats arthritis of the big toe. The bone on either side of the joint is partially removed and replaced with metal, plastic or a combination of both. First MTP joint replacement lessens pain, retains motion, and improves the position of the big toe.

First MTP Joint Fusion

The first MTP, also called the first metatarsophalangeal joint, is the big toe joint. A first MTP joint fusion is a surgical procedure to treat arthritis of the big toe. This condition can cause pain and swelling and lead to difficulty walking, running, and wearing shoes. Arthritis develops when the cartilage on each bone wears away and the two bones that make up the big toe joint rub against one another.

In a first MTP joint fusion, the bones are joined (fused) together permanently so they cannot rub against each other and cause pain.

First MTP Cheilectomy

The first MTP, also called the first metatarsophalangeal joint, is the big toe joint. A first MTP cheilectomy is a surgical procedure that removes bone spurs on the top surface of the big toe joint. Bones spurs develop due to arthritis of the big toe, also known as hallux rigidus. The spurs block the toe’s motion, which causes pain. A first STMP cheilectomy relieves pain and improves range of motion in the big toe.

Fifth Metatarsal Osteotomy for Bunionette

A bunionette (also known as a tailor's bunion) is a painful bony prominence, or bump, on the outside of the fifth (little) toe. Over time, the bunionette may worsen as the fifth toe moves inward and the fifth metatarsal (the bone connected to it) moves outward. Rubbing between the bump and tight shoes may also cause a callus to grow over the fifth toe area. All bunionettes can cause pain and pressure on the outside of the foot, though often they do not cause symptoms.