Because of the nature of gaming systems and computer use, gaming-related injuries are typically overuse injuries,…

The ulnar nerve is one of the main nerves in your hand that provides feeling and helps with function. Ulnar tunnel…

Robot-assisted surgical systems are used in joint replacement to promote accuracy and control and to spare any…

After having a joint replacement, you may expect to be able to return to the lifestyle you had before surgery, but…

Your joints can take on a lot of damage throughout your life, leading to degenerative conditions, like…

Injuries are not scheduled and tend to occur when you least expect them. When you or your loved one suffers an…

The medial collateral ligament (MCL) is along the inside of your knee, while the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is…

Pickleball is a great way to stay active and have plenty of fun, but as with any sport, it does come with a risk of…

There are typically only a few symptoms related to a fracture. If you or your athlete has suffered a fracture, the…

Sports burnout is a response to chronic stress after the continued demands of playing a sport or doing an activity…