Bone, joint, and muscle specialists devote their practices to helping patients who experience joint problems. They…

Maintaining a healthy weight and activity level keeps your muscles strong and can delay joint replacement. But how…

If you’re among the many mountain bikers and cyclists looking to ride out the COVID-19 pandemic while staying…

From roof repair and landscaping to the perfect do-it-yourself home décor, during COVID-19 many more are finding it…

Whether you are training over a prolonged period or playing hard during a competition, hydration can keep you at…

In young athletes, most injuries to the meniscus are a result of trauma. The menisci are vulnerable to injuries that…

It’s a trend happening on playing fields and basketball courts at an alarming rate: a young girl jumps or…

Golfer’s elbow is similar to tennis elbow (both are forms of elbow tendonitis) but occurs on the inside of the elbow…

The shoulder is composed of the shoulder blade (scapula), collarbone (clavicle), and upper arm bone (humerus). With…

The cause of trigger finger is generally unknown. However, it is found more commonly in women than men as well as in…